Linden, Little leaf (Tilia)


Opposite 492 Queen Elizabeth Drive and Fletcher's (Arboretum), May 10, 2008 232 First Ave., May 19, 2008 Linden and basswood generally have big toothed leaves, heart-shaped, with asymmetrical bases. I find two helpful easily-noted features are the sudden change from a rounded leaf to a long drawn out tip, and the elongated leafy bract.


Photos taken at Fletcher's (Arboretum), May 10, 2008 and 232 First Ave., May 19, 2008. Mature linden bark may have the deepest crevices of all trees in the Glebe. Photo taken on north shore of Brown's Inlet March 19, 2009. Multiple trunks, very dark grey. Identified by the remaining winged seed-leaves still present. April 4, 2009: There is a row of linden on Fifth Avenue by the Mutchmor school fence. Maybe because it was raining, the bark was noticeable. The younger bark was brown with bright white linear streaks that look like tracks of falling tears. On somewhat older bark, these became wavy linear striations, still whitish. On the oldest bark, these developed into the deep narrow crevices that some linden have, almost knife-cuts.The buds remain chunky, tan, with few scales.


Photo taken on north shore of Brown's Inlet March 19, 2009. Identified by the remaining winged seed-leaves still present.


Left: June 26, 2008. Right: July 4, 2008.


Photo taken on north shore of Brown's Inlet March 19, 2009. This is remnant of previous year's fruit with typical winged fruit-leaf.

Similar species

List of trees and shrubs with alternate, simple, toothed leaves