Amur maple (Acer ginnala)


Photo on right taken at Fletcher's (Arboretum). Note that these leaves are entirely unlobed, making them look not at all like a maple. I had to search for a slightly lobed leaf on this tree to be sure - it is present in the photograph. Early flowers visible. Note: Ken Farr of the Canadian Forestry Service says this lobeless Amur maple is probably actually Tatarian maple (Acer tatarica). The leaves fall much earlier than Amur maple. See separate entry.


Photographs above and below taken May 10 and 22, 2008 opposite 498 Queen Elizabeth Drive.


May 31, 2008. Most other maple flowers have come and gone, with samaras already ripe and falling.


June 21, 2008. Many other maple keys are already on the ground, while Amur samaras are just ripening. Note the narrow angle. March 21, 2009. Last year's keys still hanging. The photo on the left is fuzzy but this is the impression one gets. The individual keys look like moths wings.


Not easily identified as a maple. Old keys still hanging in early May help. Amur maple was still largely dormant May 1, 2008, identified mainly by last-year's keys still hanging in places.

Similar species

Amur maple usually grows in clumps, and this can help in identification. Other trees and shrubs growing like that include nannyberry, buckthorn, lilac, and honeysuckle. List of trees and shrubs with opposite, simple, toothed leaves