Red oak (Quercus rubra)
May 15, 2008 on Queen Elizabeth Drive between Fifth Avenue and Landsdowne Park
May 15, 2008 on Queen Elizabeth Drive between Fifth Avenue and Landsdowne Park
White-coloured and rust-coloured hair visible where veins meet midline.
Same location.
Unlike bur oak, the buds stick out.
The bark looks like someone pasted flat strips on.
Features indicating that this is red oak include the moderate round notches, the end lobe about equal
length to the internotch length, and tufts of hair at the midline of the undersurface. These were very
obvious on some leaves, especially when rust colour. On others, it appears white, and absent on many leaves
the same tree. The lobes have bristle tips.
I would like confirmation that this is red oak.
Similar species
List of trees and shrubs with alternate, simple, untoothed leaves