Silver maple (Acer saccharinum)


April 29, 2009. Paved path between around Brown's Inlet. Photo (left) was taken May 4, 2008 on the paved path between around Brown's Inlet. Photo (right) May 10, 2008.


Broadway Avenue, May 8, 2008 (mature tree) and Queen Elizabeth Drive near Broadway, June 21, 2008 (young tree). The evenly-shredded bark often sweeps up in a spiral fashion.


These photos were taken March 19 and 21, 2009 on the paved path between around Brown's Inlet. These are likely the flower buds. They are quite red and it might be that many of these trees are silver-red hybrids. The leaves, seen last year, are those of silver maple.


April 15, 2009, same location. April 15, 2009, same location. This photo was taken April 24, 2008 on the paved path between around Brown's Inlet. These photos were taken April 26, 2008 on the paved path between around Brown's Inlet Faded pollen flowers. The red flowers litter the ground by the end of April. It is the first maple to flower in Ottawa, this year in earlier April. In 2009, pollen flowers were out April 3.

Fruit (samaras)

These photos were taken May 16, 2008. Note that the seed cases are not wrinkled as they are in sugar maple. The number of keys per fascicle is shown. There is a fairly big angle between wings, and the keys are quite large. They sit up close to the branch.

A likely maple hybrid

Photos taken on Broadway Avenue at Queen Elizabeth Drive, May 10, 2008. I think these are red maple-silver maple hybrids. The colour of the keys is red, and they are larger than expected with red maple. The leaves are silver maple-like. There are cultivated hybrids, such as Autumn Blaze.


There are many silver maple in the Glebe.The trees can be very big, and are brittle.

Similar species

List of trees and shrubs with opposite, simple, toothed leaves